How Much Does a Digital Picture Frame Cost?

Digital picture frame are picture frames that can display digital photos. There is no need of developing the photos. All you have to do is store the JPEG images in the digital picture frame and you got your pictures shown to everyone. The beauty of the digital picture frame is you can have a slideshow and you can even set the timer for it to change picture at your desired time. If you are planning to buy a digital frame, here are sample brands of digital picture frames and their prices.

Digital Picture Frames

Pandigital PAN7000DW 7-Inch Frame. It is a 7 inch viewable LCD display, 4:3 aspect ratio, which can hold up to 6400 images. It is a stylish flat black frame that would fit with any décor. It has an alarm clock, calendar and programmable ON/OFF timer. It also features, audio, video, Bluetooth and Wireless. It has 1 GB of internal memory. It is selling price is .95. Coby Dp700Blk 7-Inch Photo Frame. This seven inch digital picture frame displays JPEG photo files, has photo slideshow mode, and a calendar, alarm clock and timer. It sells for .09 only. Coby DP700WD 7-Inch Widescreen Photo Frame. This frame is a 7 inch widescreen TFT LCD color display. It displays JPEG photo files, calendar and clock. It has a full-size USB port so it can be used with flash memory drives. It is also wall-mountable with detachable stand. It sells for only .18. Viewsonic'S VFA724W-10 7-Inch High Resolution Digital Frame. It is a high resolution picture frame of 480x234 pixels at 16:9 aspect ratio. It supports JPEG file and USB host. It also has intuitive user control system where you can just plug and play your photo slideshow.

Digital Picture Frames

As a song goes that a picture can paint a thousand words, now what about a thousand pictures?

When you're thinking about picking out a digital frame for your home, your office, as well as a gift, there are a few things that you're going to want to factor in besides the price tag. Make sure that you look into the resolution, the options that the frame has, as well as the memory. There are many to choose from, as you can see above. By doing your research, you're going to find that you can pick out one that best suits your needs.

How Much Does a Digital Picture Frame Cost?
Digital Picture Frames

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